Meet Our School Dog - Teddy
Our Assistant Head Teacher, Mrs Episcopo, has a Cavachon dog, which has been trained to be our School Dog!
A Cavachon is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frise. After a lot of research, it was felt this was the most suitable cross-breed for a school dog due to its gentle, affectionate nature. They have a non to low shedding coat and are mostly hypoallergenic. Training was carefully monitored and regularly assesed and we also have a School Dog Policy and Risk Assessment.
Teddy provides pupils with positive and productive outcomes allowing them to channel their energy resulting in immediate calming and de-escalation. Caring for the needs of Teddy allows pupils to experience a fun, nurturing and rewarding experience outside of the classroom. He is an asset to our school family.