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Exhall Cedar's Infant School

Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery & Preschool

Learning and Growing Together

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Exhall Cedar's Infant School

Exhall Cedars Infant Nursery & Preschool

Learning and Growing Together


Sports Premium Funding



The Sports Premium Grant is funding aimed at improving the quality of PE and school sports, and to encourage all children to lead healthy lifestyles.


To date, the money has been paid to primary schools since 2013. The funding is provided by the Government Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. Schools have to report how they spend this money, and the impact it has had on the pupils on their website. Information has to include the amount of money received how it has been spent, and what impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment, to ensure that pupils develop healthy lifestyles.


Benefits of improving the provision of PE and sports are widespread. There will be an improvement in the attainment levels and physical fitness of all pupils in the school. PE provision should also reduce the proportion of children who are classed as overweight or obese. Recent evidence also suggests that physical activity can help to improve the concentration and motivation levels of pupils in all areas of the curriculum, and can help to improve behaviour and attendance.


Schools receive PE and sports Premium funding based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6 using the data from the annual January school census. Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional £10 per pupil.


Funding from September 2013 to August 2023


Funding for 2013/14 = £5,219

Funding for 2014/15=£8,561

Funding for 2015/16=£8,526

Funding for 2016/17=£8,462

Funding for 2017/18=£17,060

Funding for 2018/19=£17,071

Funding for 2019/20=£17,010

Funding for 2020/21=£17,020

Funding for 2021/22=£16,820

Funding for 2022/23=£16,830


TOTAL = £132,579